Home for the Holiday

So this weekend I will officially become just another South Carolina tourist. More than a year ago Chris and his sisters decided it would be cool to rent a beach house near our place in Beaufort for a holiday week. We all chose Thanksgiving 2008 and pooled our money to rent a 3,500-square-foot beachfront home on Fripp Island called "Southern Comfort." And then we started daydreaming. Chris and I were excited to serve as local hosts for the weeklong family reunion, and equally excited at the thought of spending a holiday with family without having to drive across five states to do so. Fast-forward a year, and we're not even living in the state anymore!

Figures: We finally move closer to family and we STILL have to drive 12 hours to spend Thanksgiving with them. But look at this house!! It's gonna be sweet!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Call me when you get in town.