Until this week when Chris, God bless him, found us a local deal on Craigslist. And this time he went to inspect the camper himself to meet the seller and see that the darn thing was real. It was, in all its mid-'70s glory. A 1974 Apache Royal, with mismatched curtains and two not-so-big beds and a tiny icebox and three-burner gas stove. Suh-weeeeet! Seriously, it's a little on the shabby side but overall in incredible condition for being almost as old as I am.
And we got it for $150! That's a serious steal, people. In fact, apacheowners.com estimates a '74 Apache Royal to be worth $600-$1,300, depending on its condition. The seller was a sweet woman whose father recently died. She's in the process of selling most of his possessions, including the old camper, which she says he camped in every year and kept clean and well-maintained.
We know it's old and a bit beat-up, but man are we excited for that first campfire...
Oh My God! I am so excited and jealous! You guys will have a blast, I'm sure!
hope you enjoy it as much as we have ours....a fun way to make family memories....
You could make some money - I'll pay you rent to live in it in your driveway :). Congrats, it's awesome.
That's awesome!!
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