For Grammy and Pop-pops

It was great to use Skype so you guys could sing "Happy birthday" with us and watch Evan eat some of his cake, but I know you were missing everyone like crazy so I thought I'd give you some snippets from the day. The first two are the kids playing in the children's area of the state museum, and the last one, well, that's self-explanatory...
We missed you!!
(I'll post pics later today)


Unknown said...

Loved the video's....looks like everyone had a great time, Happy Birthday to Evan

Kostyn and Evan's Grammy said...

Can you see my tears? ( Dad's too)
Thankyou sooooo much! They are all GREAT but the cake pics are really the best. He sure was enjoying it and the waving at the end brought more tears, of course!!
The museum looks neat too. He was really curious about that pig. Hope we can go some day too and enjoy all the fun. Thanks again so very much. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Lyn said...

I will ever get tired of adorable baby faces covered with cake!!!