You Gotta Be Kiddin' Me

Tonight I burned my stomach on the stove.

Let me rephrase: Tonight while making dinner I neglected to realize (until it was too late) that my ever-expanding belly is so ... expanded ... that it protrudes over the kitchen counter and onto the hot stove, where I had three burners cooking very hot food.

Funny that I've been psyched to make it through two pregnancies with no stretch marks, and now I'll have a bizarre burn scar instead. Let's see if I can escape the next three weeks without my own body becoming a fire hazard...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Certainly gives new meaning to "bun in the oven", eh?

Allison Bonner said...

see, now that's why i don't cook.

Robyn said...

Allison - I urge you to not start cooking for the next four months or so...
PS - When are you gonna post some belly pics on your blog!?!

Unknown said...

sounds like something a certain cousin would do...not to mention any names...ha ha