I'm in love with watching my son. It's funny how little ones progress, slow as inchworms yet quick as a blink, in the way they reason things out. Kostyn is now doing lots of reasoning, and it's so much fun to watch.
He's always been great at remembering things you point out to him. He's been able to point to eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, feet, toes, etc. etc., for months and months. He can do the same with all sorts of animals learned from his books, from zebras to pandas to cats, and even a couple colors, too (his favorite is red). And he's always known exactly what toy we're referring to when we ask him to go get something, or which room we mean when we say "Let's go into the kitchen!" He understands the words we're saying, and responds accordingly with an ear-to-ear grin every time.
But the gaps he's now filling in are more subtle. When I ask him where his knee is, he pats it with confidence. But the other day when I said, "Where's your other knee?" He studied the one his hand was on, hesitated, then patted his other knee.
When he's stacking blocks, he adjusts as he goes. He'll put one block on another, and then when he has yet another in his hand, he'll study the stack first, and if one seems a bit off-kilter, he'll nudge it gently toward the center so the stack will stay sturdy.
I'm not saying he's a genius, as I'm sure most other kids his age are doing similar things. It's just amazing to watch the brain develop, to see his little hands, eyes and facial expressions coordinating more and more with his mind, which grows by leaps and bounds every day.
If you can't say it, I'll say it for you. Kostyn is a genius! I can't say that Noah is pointing to body parts or stacking blocks yet, at all, even thought I'm noticing his little cogs churning in the same ways you describe. They understand SO much!
Of course he's a genius!!! As is "smarty pants", "The princess" and "superman". After all, look at their family genes. I love them all soooo much.
Hey Robyn...as a parent of 2, one of my favorite aspects of parenthood is watching the incredibly subtle changes in growth that occur (sometimes even
day to day). The funny thing too is how much you learn about yourself (and life in general) by observing them...
Kostyn is really cute!
Kid's favorite color is red, huh? I knew the lil bugger and I were kindred spirits =)
Yep - He takes after his mommy and his Aunt Sheila.
Carcich - How old are your little tots?
Liam - 5 - Favorite Color Blue
Fiona - 2 (in August) - Favorite Color Purple
Sorry Kostyn, but Fi only goes for the older guys..;)
Might wanna nip that in the bud, Carcich.
In college, I dated a guy 10 years older than me.
I don't think my father slept a wink for those two years.....
I'm not too concerned. Fiona's getting locked in a closet when she's 12.
10 years!?! No snarkiness intended, but why do I get the feeling that you and Sheil may have gotten into a bit of mischief back in the glory days...hmmm.
Good plan.
Well, I'm not sure I'd call them "glory days," but we did have our share of fun...
And for what it's worth, spending two PRIME college years dating a 30-year-old was NOT a good idea. Oh, to have those two years back.....
I think we all want Rob to get those 2 years back....
I think everyone wants to know the scoop about how a 20 year old college student gets involved with a 30 year old? Possible scenarios:
1) He was a Grad Student working toward PHD.
2) He actually WAS an undergrad being a LITTLE indecisive about his major.
3) He worked at the Pizza Shop and made a really mean calzone.
4) ???
Wait, was this Anonymous? Ooops.
Anon: I've gone over and over it in my head, and can never come up with anything beyond the fact that I was 20, insecure and stupid. And loyal to a fault, because the guy ended up being a possessive, jealous, insecure jerk (darn cute, but a jerk nonetheless) and it still took me two years to drop him.
Not to beat a dead horse, but your response made me think about my past too. The beautiful thing is that we are who we are BECAUSE of the lessons learned being stupid, young AND insecure...
I sure don't wanna be 20 again!!!
Right on, Anon.
And next time, please sign your name!
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